March 12, 2025


Bloggers Network


3 min read


When it comes to the various classifications of tyres, one may be torn as to what to purchase and what to ignore. Making a choice regarding the same would be much easier if one had all the relative information at hand. The absence of knowledge and the inability to access the same almost always leads us to purchase products that are not right for us and end up incurring losses and making a clutter of materials that aren’t even usable. It is important to make sure that one does not make the mistake when it comes to purchasing tyres for your vehicles, for, the tyres of your car do not only deliver efficient performance for your vehicle but play a very big role in road safety.

The common and most well-known kinds of tyres Fareham are summer tyres, winter tyres, and all-season tyres. It is important to know their uses, composition, their deliverables, their cons just the same without purchasing after making assumptions and arriving at conclusions. Therefore, if the climatic conditions around the place where you stay change all the time, it is important to know and be well versed with what suits your vehicle and your needs. To make decisions relative to the tyres of your vehicle, mentioned below are a few helpful points regarding the same.

Tyres and seasons:

There are certain criteria that should be taken into account when making the switch between summer, winter, or all-season tyres. The first being, climate, and temperature. 

If you live in tropical climates, you could essentially work with all-season tyres that provide satisfactory results throughout the year. Some concessions vis a vis summer and winter capabilities will always remain but if you do not have to deal with extreme temperatures, these tyres might be the right choice for you. 

If the temperature around your vicinity drops below 7 degrees celsius, you would be advised to switch to winter tyres because of the facilities it offers when it comes to performing well in the cold. If you especially live in climates that suffer biting cold, you need winter tyres to deal with ice to wet and cold dry roads. 

Likewise, when the temperature rises above 7 degrees celsius, you know it is time to fit in the summer tyres and store the winter tyres for another time. Summer tyres have the ability to provide stability even in curves and more than a sufficient mileage even at warm temperatures. Additionally, summer tyres provide great grip when taken on roads that are dry or wet. 

The right time to switch to summer tyres:

As mentioned above as well, summer tyres should typically be fitted into your vehicles if the temperature around your locality rises above 7 degrees celsius. Summer tyres are manufactured with compounds that are the stickiest when put in comparison to winter or all-season tyres. This enables them to brake at a fast pace and deliver splendid performance on wet and dry surfaces due to their ability to get the most grip. Therefore, to navigate through curves and get sufficient mileage, switch to summer tyres.

The right time to switch to winter tyres:

When it comes to temperatures below 7 degrees celsius, you should make the mindful choice and switch to winter tyres. Snowy and icy roads can be extremely dangerous and it is not possible for summer tyres or all-season tyres to brake as well winter tyres in these conditions. The belligerent tread pattern on these winter tyres Fareham makes sure that it clears all slush and drives through snow to achieve maximum traction with the road surface. Additionally, their soft rubber compound gives the driver better vehicle control. 

The right time to switch to all-season tyres:

For better durability and longevity, all-season tyres result in better fuel efficiency and help preserve energy. All-season tyres are preferred by a lot of drivers for the simple fact that they are much more comfortable and easily manageable. These all-season tyres even though they provide decent mileage, there are always some bargains to be made when it comes to summer and winter capabilities. 

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