7 Reasons to Carry a Swiss Army Knife Tool Already (If You Aren’t)
3 min read
There are few multi-tools that deliver as much value in terms of utility and quality as Swiss Army Knife Tools. They’re so ubiquitous and so useful that they’re immediately recognizable by sight and name. You could also just drop the term “SAK,” and almost anyone will know immediately what you’re talking about.
At any rate, Swiss Army Knife Tools are chock full of value and these are the top reasons you should get yourself one and start carrying it – if you haven’t done so already.
If you already have a favorite SAK, consider this your divine, universal cue to treat yourself to another.
1. Affordability – a Swiss Army Knife won’t break the bank
One of the things that has kept Victorinox Swiss Army Knives and tools popular for so long has been the price. Some higher-end pocket knives out there cost well over $300 dollar. For that price, you could get ten or more SAKs and stash one in each of your pockets and several toolboxes and drawers. Plus, if you do ever lose one (God forbid) it won’t hurt as much to replace it.
2. Durability, quality, reliability
Swiss Army Knives are basic-looking, made from generic stainless steel and a tough plastic resin for handle scales. They’re not winning any beauty pageants, but they’re also not giving up any ground.
Right after affordability is durability. Swiss Army Knives are tough as nails and may not look like they’re designed to take a beating, but make no mistake about it. They can.
3. Ease of maintenance
Swiss Army Knives also get high marks because they are easy to take care of. They’re not made with temperamental natural materials that need to be oiled or protected from light. They’re not made with low-chrome, high-carbon steels that will flash rust.
No, they’re made with tough stainless steel and resin that are easy to clean out and keep clean. For some people, “Swiss Army Knife maintenance” is just keeping the tool in a pocket.
4. Ergonomics
Both modern and traditional Swiss Army Knives and tools are comfortable in the hand and in the pocket. You could almost forget that you had one there – until you need it.
5. A Swiss Army Knife Tool does more than cut
As with any multi-tool, much of the value of a Swiss Army Knife comes from how many tools the thing contains. Some of them have much more than a pocket knife, featuring tools including but not limited to pliers, wire cutters and wire strippers, flat and Phillips screwdrivers, bottle and can openers, nail and metal files, saws, and more. Many even have a corkscrew for opening wine bottles in addition to all of these.
6. They’re light and small
They may not be the absolute toughest pocket tools in the industry, but they’re pretty tough and they’re very lightweight. At just a few ounces, you can carry almost a whole toolbox in your pocket.
7. They’re not intimidating
It’s unfortunate that we need to say this, but Swiss Army Knives are not intimidating. What we mean by that is that you can comfortably carry one of these tools aren’t people that would otherwise be “jumpy” in the presence of what they consider a “weapon.”
For whatever reason, Swiss Army Knife tools simply don’t come off like knives, meaning you can carry them around company that otherwise would be uncomfortable with a knife.
I’m Sold – Where Can I Get a Swiss Army Knife Tool?
So you’re officially interested in a Swiss Army Knife Tool? Visit White Mountain Knives at WhiteMountainKnives.com. They carry a huge range of Swiss Army Knives and tools at really low rates and offer free shipping in the U.S. as well.
Plus, they maintain extensive relationships across the supply chain so if you’re looking for a specific model that you don’t see listed on their website just shoot them a message at [email protected] letting them know what you’re looking for. They may be able to find it for you.
For more information about Best Spyderco Knife and Best Kizer Knife Please visit: White Mountain Knives, LLC.